ReDiscover's Deaf Services

ReDiscover has a therapist and a case manager who are trained to work with adults and children who are Deaf and hard of hearing. We also provide a 24/7 language line to assist in communicating with individuals we serve.

  • Intake evaluations are done by an interpreter, and therapy is provided by a clinician fluent in American Sign Language or an interpreter for other forms of sign.
  • Telehealth is available for Deaf Missouri residents who do not live near ReDiscover.
  • Staff who work with Deaf clients undergo Deaf Culture Training.
  • Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans are accepted.
Service Area

ReDiscover is currently accepting clients in the western region of Missouri, including Jackson, Cass, Platte, and Clay counties.

To Make an Appointment:
Deaf Services Staff

Brandy Haddock, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor Fluent in American Sign Language